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e- Governance has the capacity to take our country to the
next generation and 


Can play an important role in the process

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SIG on eGovernance

Computer Society of India ( CSI ), has implemented the concept of “Special Interest Groups” to promote activities and research in few focused areas. Special Interest Group on e-Governance ( SIGeGov) has been formed accordingly. The basic objective has been to focus on an important area where Information Technology can be leveraged and bring like minded professionals together to add value by bringing out recommendations relevant to various stake holders.

India has already established itself as a leader in the Information Technology sector and create research echo system in the country in this area. Governments are under pressure to deliver a range of services in a timely, efficiently, economical, equitable, and transparent and corruption free manner to its citizens. E-Governance can have a profound impact on the poor and ultimately on the economic output and growth of the country as a whole. Information acts as a revolutionary force in bridging the digital divide. IT can vastly extend access to education, health care, financial services, vocational skills, administrative services and other aspects of the modern society, to many more people at far lower costs apart from generating employment. IT can dramatically reduce the cost of communications; improve access to technology and marketing capabilities for the rural poor. It can help in eliminating intermediary exploitation in the production and distribution chains, increasing government accountability.

The last decade has witnessed e-Governance penetrating India in both Urban and Rural areas, Central Government has announced a National e-Governance plan (NEGP) and each State has also defined their own e-Governance policies within the frame work of NEGP. The total investments being made to implement these initiatives are huge, and are impacting the domestic ICT market as well as education and training area significantly. IT spending in our country is being driven primarily by this initiative and impacting the lives of ordinary citizen across the country in a very positive fashion.

CSI is the only professional society covering individual user / Citizens as members and is most appropriately suited to focus and add significant value to the successful implementation of the e-Governance initiative in our country.

e-Governance has the capacity to take our country to the next generation and CSI-SIG-eGov plans to play a important role in that process.

The seed for the Computer Society of India (CSI) was first shown in the year 1965 with a handful of IT enthusiasts who were a computer user group and felt the need to organize tteir activities. They also wanted to share their knowledge and exchange ideas on what they felt was a fast emerging sector. Today the CSI takes pride in being the largest and most professionally managed association of and for IT professionals in India. The purposes of the Society are scientific and educational directed towards the advancement of the theory and practice of computer science and IT. The organisation has grown to an enviable size of 100,000 strong members consisting of professionals with varied backgrounds including Software developers, Scientists, Academicians, Project Managers, CIO's , CTO's & IT vendors to just name a few. It has spread its branches all over the country. Currently having more than 500 student branches and rooted firmly at 73 different locations, CSI has plans of opening many more chapters & activity centers in smaller towns and cities of the country. The idea is to spread the knowledge, and provide opportunities to as many interested as possible. Click for more information.

Computer Society of INDIA

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